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Monday, March 11, 2013

DIY Easter Egg Garland

Here is a simple project to dress up your staircase, mantel or door way just in time for Easter. 
All you need is a some yarn, a few bags of plastic eggs, a couple of thumb tacks and scissors.  
First cut the yarn to fit the length of your staircase, adding a few inches to make it "swag".
Then it's time to add the eggs. We really liked these transparent eggs because it allows the eggs to shine in the sunlight.
Depending how much space you want between your eggs will determine how many you will need. Open an egg, lay the yarn in the center of the egg and then snap it close. It's as  simple as that!
We decided to keep this garland simple but you can embellish yours even more by adding more eggs, put something in them, string beads or glue paper flowers between the eggs. Be creative. 
~Happy Egg~ster 

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