I'm sure you all can relate....Remember when you were kids and how long summer days felt? Hanging at the playground and swimming at the local pool all day. The months felt like forever back then.
Now two months seems like two weeks! We can't believe we are already planning back to school shopping for the kids. Everything is going by so fast. Even though here at the studio, its warm outside and we can smell the fresh cut grass... we are thinking of the coming holidays, crafts shows and winter months ahead.
So today got us thinking about things we love about these warm SUMMER days and how we should enjoy and appreciate them more. So we created another edition of Things we LOVE! Summer edition.

• We LOVE being able to work all day without shoes. We haven't seen socks all summer:)
• We LOVE the after dinner walks with the kids even though our two year old can't decide if she wants to walk, be carried, or ride in her wagon for our strolls.
• We LOVE going to the local farmers market and picking up fresh fruit and vegetables. We had the best sugar snap peas yesterday. Yummy!
• We LOVE exploring new museums, playgrounds and trips into Boston with the kids.
• We LOVE regrouping and planning new things for our second half of the year for Swirly Designs.
• We LOVE getting emails with new and exciting opportunities.
• We LOVE that our first Patriotic ornament collection was so well received even with all the website issues we had.
• We LOVE the mindless summer tv shows like Designs Star, The Next Food Network Star, Big Brother and Rosanne's Nuts.
** Disclaimer: Lianne wants to make it clear that she doesn't love the last two shows, those are Paul's guilty pleasures ;-))
Comment and share with us some of the things you LOVE about the simple things this summer.
And remember to stop and enjoy every moment this summer!
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