When we started this little self-imposed challenge: to create a whole collection in 1 month, we thought it would be a great way to stay on track here at the studio.
Well of course life always gets in the way but we don't want to bore everyone with those details. So we'll stilll continue to share with you our progress in creating a collection, but we'll have to extend it into August!
Now that our ideas are sketched out and color drawings are made we start to clear the work table and break out the blocks of clay and begin designing in clay. We really enjoy making the mini swirly ornaments, so we usually start with those first.

Here are a bunch of pumpkin heads that have just came out of the oven.

We make and create our own templates and stamps to keep some of the designs pieces consistent. A square block eraser is great to use for this. We create our own stamps for the eyes and mouth of the pumpkins.

We also make paper templates. Here is a sample of one of our templates for a haunted house ornament.

This template was used to create the frame for our ornament below:

we are always looking to try new things with every collection. Above, we are trying black clay along with the glow- in-the- dark clay.

We are hoping to finish up with the clay sculpting this weekend so we can get into the painting by the end of the week. Check back to see our progress!
~Lianne & Paul
I just found your site and am hooked thank-you.