Well, the Holidays are over and we can finally take a breather (We don't have to think about Christmas for a good.... 4 months Yikes!!!).
Our shows are done for the season, our orders have all been sent and enjoyed by everyone who received them this Christmas.
With the New Year approaching tonight it is time for us here at Swirly to reflect over this past year. We can't thank everyone enough for the support this year. Our designs are really striking a chord with people and the positive feedback we get make it that much more fun and rewarding to do what we do.
We are also reviewing the goals we made both personally and professionally and and think about new ones for 2009. Some of you know that Paul LOVES to make lists, so that is his job to make the lists...I just follow them...well at least I try! Not only are we going to be thinking about Swirly stuff but we are also awaiting the arrival the newest member of our family. Some of you may not know, but we are expecting #2 in April. Hopefully we'll be well prepared for when she arrives..and maybe she'll give us new inspiration for new Swirly designs!!
These past few days we have been cleaning the studio like crazy, going through all our stuff and organizing everything. We put all the Christmas materials away... even though we keep hitting the stores picking up any post-Christmas deals so we can start planing our Valentine's collection. Oh... the life of a seasonal designer.
Have a wonderful and safe New Year.......Happy 2009!!
~Lianne & Paul
Congrats on the baby... girl, i'm taking?! Girls are SO much fun! I just found you through ME Home Companion Mag & was so sad when i read it was going to go away... I love your things & am excited to have found you! I'm an artsy mom looking for my nitch- glad you found yours! i'm on etsy as: chinamommy & have a blog too:
Thank you for all the darling inspiration!!