We are like a couple of school kids giggling at the sight of these eye candy delights.They are chock full of fun and inspiring ideas that last week alone we picked up 4 new Halloween/Fall issues and 2 new Holiday issues have come in the mail.
We would love to share with you a sneak peak into these issues explaining what we love about each issue, but because of our hectic schedule this won't allow us to just curl up in a cozy chair with a nice cool glass of fresh apple cider and enjoy these fun issues. So for now we will dedicate a shelf here at the studio with a sign that says Don't open until Dec 26th.
Are you as crazy with the Holiday issues as we are? Tell us the issues you read and pick up.
Happy reading!
We love Holiday issues of Magazines
ReplyDeletetoo. We alway look forward to The October and December issues of
Country Living (UK). We always try to buy the Halloween issue of Martha Stewart living, but this may be a little more difficult this year since Borders in the UK has closed down. We also like papercrafts magazine for card ideas.