Here at Swirly Designs we feel that there is nothing more important than a good sketch book. Years ago, when Lianne and I were in art school, we each had to get a sketch book and we were expected to sketch in it every day for at least 15 minutes. At the time I felt like it was a big waste of time. Fast forward 16 years later and we can't image our creative lives without them. That initial recommendation in art school stuck with us during our careers. We realized early on that our sketches were helpful in our creative endeavors. We would end up referring to a sketch or an idea in our book and use that in a project. Through the years we tried all sorts of styles of sketch books, from really large books to small ones, to ones that were very expensive and we were afraid to mess up the pages with our doodles. We found ones that we could use markers and not have it bleed through.
We finally came across a brand of sketch books called Cachet Studio. They're available in wonderful colors and sizes. We've been using these for a while and really enjoy them. I use the 5 x 8 size because I prefer to sketch smaller, and Lianne enjoys a bigger size to sketch in.
What type of sketch books do you use? Let us know, we'd love to hear!